This is our mission and why we do what we do! Thank you all for helping us to serve families like Angela and Justin's!
One of our key missional programs is the Family Enrichment Center (FEC), an eight-room shelter here at our Corps campus.
The Family Enrichment Center provides temporary housing for eight homeless households at a time. The program consists of on-site case management, educational classes, and life skills training.
Justin and Angela were previously homeless and living in their truck for a year before moving to Springfield. They made the decision to leave their unhealthy environment and lifestyle, hoping for a lasting change. They decided to move to Springfield.
Due to having to part ways with their truck, they lived outside in the elements for about a month before contacting our Family Enrichment Center.
We accepted them into our program in November of 2020. They both started to meet weekly with our staff for case management, where they set individualized goals which would help them through their journey of recovery, while at the same time assist them in securing employment and permanent housing.
While enrolled in our program they also enrolled in and completed a certified program called Higher Ground, an intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment program. The program is built on Biblical principals consistent with the 12 steps and 12 traditions of AA. In addition, they chose to participate in weekly, onsite NA/AA meetings as well as attend The Salvation Army weekly worship meetings. Angela also attended the Salvation Army’s weekly Women’s Ministry program.
Through the continued guidance and support of our Salvation Army team of staff and volunteers, Justin and Angela started making progress in their recovery.
Justin and Angela have both secured full time employment through Penmac working 40 hours a week!
Through their hard work and determination, they were able address their challenges, work through their recovery, find stable employment and ultimately save enough money to move out of the Family Enrichment Center and have their own place to live!
Angela reports they are both doing great and working hard – 40 hours a week each. She also wanted to give some advice to those wanting to leave their life of addiction. She said, “You got to want to get clean to get the help you need”.
Thank you, Angela and Justin, for all your hard work and congratulations on all your success. We could not be prouder of you!
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